The Manor Hotel i Kigali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RwandaThe Manor Hotel



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KG 552 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 786 654 435
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.932447, Longitude: 30.097374

kommentar 5

  • Karemera Adonis

    Karemera Adonis


    The owner and the managers have done an amazing job from top to bottom. No detail has been overlooked. From the moment we arrived, we were made to feel special. Everyone had a smile on their face and did everything they could to make us feel welcome. The rooms are comfortable and incredibly well designed. We stayed in room 202, which has a balcony in the hotel and from which you have a stunning view of Kigali; anything you need is a quick phone call away. Or you can just pop your head outside and ask someone at the restaurant for help...there are no shortage of willing participants. Even the cooks in the kitchen offered to help from time to time. As I said, I cannot say enough and could go on forever. But the bottom line - I recommend this hotel with or without anyone...go as much as you possibly can you will not be disappointed at all!!!

  • Chris West

    Chris West


    Cockroach in food. Dirty hotel. Beware go somewhere else there is better options in Kigali and cheaper than this dump

  • Hanna Jones

    Hanna Jones


    There was little black mites in the bed. Even in my friends rooms the hotel is infested with them and lots of cockroaches around.




    Nice weekend outing & they have Sardar Indian Restaurant, swimming pool with sauna & steam facility




    Good place to relaxing, good atmosphere background,staffs and people around all of them kind . Good gym material because I m mismarised that. Good swimming pool no time hours to swim. Good I feel so happy.

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