Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KK 23 Avenue, Kigali, Kicukiro, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 785 243 347
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Latitude: -2.000586, Longitude: 30.145831

kommentar 2

  • Mutoni Gloria

    Mutoni Gloria


    We had Air conditioning and plumbing issues for longtime... we couldn’t find the right local company to help us get things fixed at all... we had some damn individuals so-called technicians but they are full of lies and they are not reliable. We google SEO PLUMBERS LTD. And we said lets call them and see how they can help us. Right after we called them they reached to us after any hour... oooh my God. We showed then the issue we had for long with our plumbing pipe networks and Our AC system... then we arranged an appointment and their very good skilled Plumber and AC technician came and get things done. Its been 6 months from now no other issues. We were scared a bit about pricing cause we called a company. But i can tell. Their pricing is even cheap than individual if you compare to how they serve and quality services they provide. Whenever we have any issues we call SEO PLUMBERS LTD 👆🏽👍🏽👌🏾

  • patrick iradukunda

    patrick iradukunda


    like the services, this guys are so serious for the services, the work on time and there services price is so affordable, whenever i have a problem for my plumbing or Air conditioning am happy to call them

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