Riders Lounge Kigali i Kigali

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RwandaRiders Lounge Kigali



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KG 7 Avenue, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Ruanda
kontakter telefon: +250 784 836 839
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: -1.952859, Longitude: 30.0927326

kommentar 5

  • Doris Uwicyeza

    Doris Uwicyeza


    A great place for casual drinks and for all night partying. Really fun ambiance, great music, good food.The prices though 😟😟😟 geez. Outrageous.

  • Viola Nuwaha

    Viola Nuwaha


    Oh the Rider's Jack. A house cocktail that will blow your mind and bleed your pocket You will need to taste their chicken wings at worst, mouth watering, finger licking. This place is accessible from anywhere in Kigali. It's not usually a crowded place(you can meet here). Their football viewing is not the best, they tend to dictate which matches to screen to their audience.

  • Caroline Tatua

    Caroline Tatua


    Good casual pub with a mature crowd, staff are friendly. Service is fair. Good selection of drinks. Good music.

  • Sertan Dereli

    Sertan Dereli


    Merkezi bir lokasyonda Kigali deki en iyi sports bar. Zahatsiz olmadan arkadaslarinizla oturup sohbet edebilirsiniz. Menu guzel ve cesitli. Ortam temiz ve tertipli. Hafta sonlari asiri kalabalik oluyor ve yer bulmada zorluk yasayabilirsiniz. Bir dez avantaji da alisveris merkezi icinde olmasi. Dis mekan ve ic mekan var. Garsonlar guler yuzlu.




    Best sports bar in Kigali. Food is really good. They have a good range of menu. I love chicken burger and chicken lollipop here. Pizza is good. Sometimes they have happy hours, I guess on Tuesday and Thursday (only for burger and pizza).

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