Nyarutarama Sports Centre i Kigali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RwandaNyarutarama Sports Centre



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KG 13 Avenue, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 788 552 575
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.9450486, Longitude: 30.1018363

kommentar 5

  • Ishmael M

    Ishmael M


    Nice Place

  • Malik J. Pilote

    Malik J. Pilote


    Nice place to do fitness gym , i recommend this place and the monthly subscription is 30K Frw and if you don't have it, single seance is 3K Frw.

  • Grace Nyakanini GN

    Grace Nyakanini GN


    A regular customer to Nyarutarama Sports club. This is a sports club with a difference. Tuesday and Thursday aerobics are highly sought after due to their intensif workout nature for 1 and a half hours. One has to come early by 5.30 pm to 'book' an aerobic step. The sports club members are also one huge family organizing get togethers every 3 or so months usually to Lake Muhazi. Has warm friendly staff and everyone seems to know everyone else. On sunday there is a sweet bonus. After the sunday workout, the hardened ones do a jog around Nyarutarama so thats about 2 hours of intensif workout right there. The gym club is well organised clean. Only plus is come with your own bathroom slippers for hygiene purposes (although this is an obvious one) but good to state it. The saunas are out of this world. Its a mixed sex place (both men and women) use the same sauna, but soo good. The sauna bathrooms are tad small but the free flask of lemon tea just makes it up for it! This is also one of the few Kigali pools that has banned the disgusting habit of spitting in Kigali so thumbs up for that. However the swimming pool gets crowded on weekends, so if you are a sports swimmer, best times are early in the mornings and weekdays, avoiding school holidays. Overall in love with this place.

  • en

    Rugari Ngari


    A place where you can exercise swim, tennis, aerobics, gym..... and you have options for sauna/steam and massage..... knowing you can enjoy a nice meal after :-) Clean and very good service

  • en

    Kazubwenge James


    Cool and quite

nærmeste Gym

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