New Frulep i Kigali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RwandaNew Frulep



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KN 3 Road, Kigali, Kicukiro, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 788 504 422
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.9654175, Longitude: 30.0804916

kommentar 5

  • Mohammad Khaled

    Mohammad Khaled


    Very good place for the most of imported vegetables and fruits, slightly over priced but having everything in one place plus vege super market next door makes it worth it

  • en

    Grace Mia


    It's so incredible! I loved this kinda place . You just come and check it by yourself, I'm sure that you're going to spend all your money there guys!

  • Vysakh R Nambiar

    Vysakh R Nambiar


    They have a local produce shop and a international grocers store near to each other. The best place to go for good local produce and good quality international stuff like cheese spices ice creams etc. They even stock Hagen das ice cream often.

  • en

    Hermann Gerd Pfeiffer


    Fruits selection is not too bad / They always have good selections of cheese and other European food items

  • Rebecca Usabyamahoro

    Rebecca Usabyamahoro


    The greengrocers side is amazing full of produce that isn't easy to find, fresh and fair pricing. The other side has lots of imported goodies again hard to find here. Some is super reasonable like their cheeses others like their cereal is far too expensive, still when you are desperate for a taste of home they are they only place to go to meet your needs! They also have speciality products, such as a gluten free range

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