Kigali International Airport i Kigali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RwandaKigali International Airport


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KN 5 Road, Kigali, Kicukiro, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 785 833 843
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Latitude: -1.963042, Longitude: 30.135014

kommentar 5

  • Julian Papa

    Julian Papa


    Security here is tight, the airport though small is well organized and clean. It looks modern. There is only one waiting lounge for economy and a separate one for business class. Plus nice free fast WiFi for passengers. Rwandair on the other hand has a lot of connecting flights that are not indicated when you book your flight.

  • en

    Adeseun Adegbesan


    Quite a lovely place. Wifi is available and lots of places to charge your device. Its a small airport though but it does what its supposed to do.

  • Mz Sys

    Mz Sys


    Basically its clean and small. It seems to just be able to accommodate current passengers but it will have to expand and upgrade platforms if its gonna take on more. Positive Potential.

  • en

    Phyllis N Mwalilino


    They can do much better with the PA system for that size. Many times they have to just go around benches calling flight numbers. easy to gey left behind.

  • Elmer Lighid

    Elmer Lighid


    The airport is pretty small and offers basic amenities. The immigration officers are kind, patient and welcoming. It was a breeze. Rwanda is serious about plastic so don’t be surprised if they will inspect your luggage and confiscate any plastic you may have.

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