Kigali Car Rentals i Kigali

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RwandaKigali Car Rentals



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KN 5 Road, Kigali, Kicukiro, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 783 008 990
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.9611513, Longitude: 30.1196784

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dylan Sczechowicz


    Had a good experience with these guys. We rented a car and drove around the country for about a week. We did have a breakdown with the car (some of the roads here a very rough) and they swapped out for a new car the very next morning so we could get back to our trip. Everything worked out well with these guys.

  • en

    Car Rental


    We rented a car for 10 days and it was good. Our trip has been perfect and we really recommend Kigali Car Rentals.

  • Mugisha Obed

    Mugisha Obed


    I rented a car for a trip of 7 days. The car was very beautiful and it was like new. Frank, You offered me a good car, The black Rav4 was very amazing for me!

  • Emmy Dwight

    Emmy Dwight


    When landing to Kigali International Airport, they will pick you up to where you want to stay in Kigali. After that you will have to start using your amazing car you booked for and start to enjoy it for your trip. Last but not the least you will get any help and advice you may need. That's what i have experienced in Kigali Car Rentals. I appreciate the awesome service you offered me. I recommend.

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    Bertie Liebendberg


    Last month during my vacation in Rwanda; i had an amazing trip which was to explore Rwanda. I was using a car from Kigali Car Rentals and it was really amazing for me, I enjoyed the journey and very excited because of help and advice from Frank Muzungu, The owner of Kigali Car Rentals. I am planning to be back soon and i am sure i will deal with him again.

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