Kibagabaga Hospital i Kigali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RwandaKibagabaga Hospital



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KG 19 Avenue, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Ruanda
kontakter telefon: +250 788 732 945
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.9307981, Longitude: 30.111959

kommentar 5

  • Benedicte Ndayishimiye

    Benedicte Ndayishimiye


    Kibagabaga district hospital is a best public hospital in gasabo district. It has good costumer care services. The emergency room is always busy, doctors, nurses and supporting staff are busy to the patients. If you give laboratory exams for analysis the result come soon as possible. Maternity is busy but they give best services to the clients. Other services like pediatrics, surgery, internal medicine, outpatient clinic, palliative care unite and mdr tb centre have best services.

  • en

    Leoncie Bucyana


    The hospital should be more organized. I believe that pregnant women, mothers with babies and old people should be given priority. There is no way an old person in 80s can sit from 7 am till midday without seeing a doctor.

  • peter kiogothi

    peter kiogothi


    Went to this place after a minor accident around Kibagabaga. The Nurses and Doctors are very responsive

  • Richard NDUWAYEZU

    Richard NDUWAYEZU


    nice hospital with good motivated and passionated doctor

  • en

    Bacinani Aimable


    At kibagabaga hospital

nærmeste Hospital

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