Ikirezi Bookstore i Kigali

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RwandaIkirezi Bookstore



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15, KG 5 Avenue, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 252 571 314
internet side: www.ikirezi.biz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.9498122, Longitude: 30.0913033

kommentar 5

  • Tony Thomas

    Tony Thomas


    Rare and wonderful find in Kigali. Superb selection of local/African books (in English and other languages) and helpful proprietor.

  • en

    Olivia Gakima


    A very nice bookstore, kept clean with a variety of books, from African authors and others. Helpful storekeepers.

  • Ahmed Shibrain

    Ahmed Shibrain


    Its small but nice, full of interesting books, I didn't found the book I want -I've been that its sold out, but I found good one to buy.

  • Anton Klevansky

    Anton Klevansky


    A good selection of books on various subjects, from fiction to history in English and French. Textbooks on Kinyarwanda and Swihili. I believe they also offer training for expats in Kinyarwanda as on several occasions I saw groups of people practicing the basics of this language with a teacher.

  • en

    Tuhairwe Herman


    It is well stocked with a great collection of books. There is also a coffee place with amazing coffee

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