Hotel Hilltop and Country Club i Kigali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RwandaHotel Hilltop and Country Club


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Kigali International Airport Rd, Kigali, Kicukiro, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 788 551 616
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.961976, Longitude: 30.122049

kommentar 5

  • H Sumra

    H Sumra


    Convenient and affordable. Very close to the airport.

  • Original Lover

    Original Lover


    It was okay at the beginning but we were later surprised by the arrival of some unwanted visitors. There was a cockroach infestation in our room as well as a bedbug infestation in two other rooms of my fellow travelers. I was deeply affected by all this and hope that the hotel will improve their sanitation to prevent any further unprecidented visits. But on the bright side they had a great pool and a very welcoming and friendly staff. They were eager to help and ractift the situation.

  • en

    busiku hamainza


    It's ok ....needs some upgrading . One thing to really didn't like is that at breakfast time they provide you with free juice and hot beverages but they sell you water !! ....not cool

  • Jean Baptiste Ndayisaba

    Jean Baptiste Ndayisaba


    You can have a cheap bite here!

  • en

    august juston


    Mold in the walls

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