Go Kigali Tours & Boutique i Kigali

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RwandaGo Kigali Tours & Boutique



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KN 3 Avenue, C/O Kigali Marriott Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 788 316 607
internet side: gokigalitours.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.953968, Longitude: 30.061844

kommentar 5

  • Esther Sabina

    Esther Sabina


    Go Kigali Tours is amazing. I did the full day city tour that costs 95usd. You get value for your money. My tour guide Colombe was AMAZING! She knew Kigali's history and her communication skills are very good. I highly recommend her.

  • en

    Lauren Weber


    Great way to get to know Kigali and familiarize yourself with what Rwanda has to offer. Experienced and friendly staff! Would highly recommend.

  • Olivia Amter

    Olivia Amter


    Really interesting and different tour. Love the small tour size and conversational nature. Definitely feel like I saw a side of the city I would have never seen without Go Kigali! Big thumbs up.

  • Kirsty Henderson

    Kirsty Henderson


    I've lived in Kigali for seven years and still learned a lot about the city on the great tour. Professional guides, interesting stops, and they really take you off the beaten path. This is the best way to spend a day or half day in Kigali, especially if you're only in town for a short amount of time and want to get a great impression of this beautiful city.

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    paritosh ambekar


    Very bad experience. This company has 'innovative' cancellation policy. The policy will change and evolve such that they would refuse any refund for cancellation. There are better tour companies in Kigali. Use them and save a headache.

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