Fantastic Restaurant i Kigali

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RwandaFantastic Restaurant



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KN 2 Avenue, Kigali, Nyarugenge, RW Ruanda
kontakter telefon: +250 788 434 649
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Latitude: -1.9423579, Longitude: 30.0613658

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maurice Kwizera


    The food is delicious and diversified to find everything that match your taste

  • Olivier



    Restaurant moyen mais avec de bonne brochettes. Des artistes et de la music en live c'est vraiment sympa. Par contre ne prévoyez pas de discuter, le bruit des orchestres est beaucoup trop présent !

  • Martin Weber

    Martin Weber


    I have no idea why this is called a restaurant. The buffet food is one of the worst I ever had in Rwanda. Actually all the buffet I eat for 1000 is better, than what I got here for 2000. Drink are the same price as bars like fuchsia, while fuchsia is a lot more comfortable, and has better food and also live music. So about from the fact that in is mu mujyi, i really don't see any reason to go here.

  • en

    Christophe Mc


    You can get buffet and enjoy live music by differents bands

  • mg christian

    mg christian


    They are too slow and they don't take good care of customers and when you complain no one can even bother saying sorry, i spent there almost an hour waiting for food, and the waiter told me they didn't have eggs to make what i have ordered. It's really annoying 😠

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